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LETTER: The case against a plastic bag ban

Even without intention a ban becomes an attack on the freedom of Canadians.

Re: “Should Nelson ban plastic bags?” April 1

The reasons given for the proposed ban were plastic bags are clogging our waterways and oceans and finding their way into the tissues of animal life. No doubt true in some parts of the world but not in Nelson or Canada.

We have for a very long time disposed of our garbage including plastic bags so they do not pollute our environment. Our water courses and oceans are not clogged with plastic bags. However, many poor countries do not have the extra wealth to manage their waste in the same way we do. Banning plastic bags in Nelson or Canada will not change the activities of other countries.

However, regardless of whether a ban is successful, it has a sinister aspect because it is a violation of the right of Canadians to be free. Free to choose the things they produce or use without being forced or coerced to follow the dictates of other people. Freedom is our most fundamental right. All other rights free speech, religious freedom, etc., etc. are based on our constitutionally guaranteed right to personal freedom. It’s fine to try and persuade people, but completely wrong to force them to follow your ideas.

Even without intention a ban becomes an attack on the freedom of Canadians. I hope Nelson city council does not make itself a conduit for the violation of our freedom.

Stu McDonald, Nelson