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LETTER: Venezuela and Nelson’s solar garden

From reader Jeff Shecter…

Re: “Solar garden is a step in the right direction” (Letters, July 12)

The recent letter to the Star by Sjeng Derkx uses Venezuela as a harbinger of over-reliance on hydro power. Though it is true that the Guri dam produces three-quarters of domestic power needs when its reservoirs are full, the energy crisis in the country can be more attributed to the complete mismanagement and corruption of the Bolivarian socialist idea that has ruled the country for the past 20 years. In addition, the give-away for free mentality not only failed to invest in the maintenance of existing infrastructure, let alone its expansion, but also coddled the increased consumption of energy at twice the level of domestic production.

Solar power has its merits, but tying it to the continuing disaster unfolding in Venezuela sends the wrong signal.

Jeff Shecter
