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LETTER: What does it mean to be a Lion?

Reader Trent Nash the Lions Club's role in making the community a better place to live.

Re: "Lions celebrate 70 years in Nelson"

The Nelson Lions Club is all about service to the community and providing an opportunity for individuals to develop their personal skills in doing so. The organization provides opportunities to grow leadership, organizational, presentation, and social skills.

The organization was named Lions by Melvin Jones its founder in 1917. Jones was convinced that the lion stood for strength, courage, fidelity and vital action. The symbol of the lion stands for “loyalty to a friend, loyalty to a principle, loyalty to a duty, loyalty to a trust.” These are ideals that most of us seek to achieve and participation in local clubs provides that opportunity.

Essentially we are a group of volunteers working together for the benefit of the community. Currently, our local group includes men and women between the ages of 39 and 94. We would love to see these boundaries extended to both younger and more mature individuals who are committed to making our community a better place to live. Our capacities to participate vary greatly but all are afforded the opportunity to take on any roles that works for us.

Service clubs are an important and valuable local activity that provide the opportunity for individuals to share their time, effort and resources to make our community a better place for all. With that in mind I urge you to consider looking at the club as an outlet for community involvement. We are non-political, non-denominational and a registered charity. Our function is to serve our community through fundraising and offering assistance to community projects as well as providing funds for individuals who require a hand up.

As president of the Nelson Lions Club I invite you to join us either as a visitor or potential member. Visit our website and Facebook page to get a sense of who we are. We have been partners with the citizens of Nelson for 70 years and hope to continue for at least another 70 years. This is only possible due to the involvement and support of the people of this special city.

Trent Nash, President

Lions Club of Nelson