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LETTER: Why aren’t the highways sanded?

Looking back to the policy established by regional directors, there was a goal to have the highways maintained.

Looking back to the policy established by regional directors under BC Highways administration, there was a goal to have the highways maintained in winter keeping the driving surface in a black pavement condition.

If a storm was forecast, salt and sand was applied  to the hills and curves first and then the straight stretches of the roads in the  highway system.

This goal was implemented to keep accident rates low and ensure insurance costs were affordable for all vehicle owners across BC and to keep the risk of human suffering and deaths as close to zero as possible.

Now with privatization, it’s all about profits for the contractors and because application of sand is expensive we very seldom see sand applied before the accidents.

Accident prevention is a realistic and achievable goal and if we do not place a priority on applying sand and common sense clearing of road surfaces we will see ever-increasing insurance cost escalation and the accident rates increase along with human suffering and deaths on BC highways.

Add to that the current highway administration simply gives a report card with an F-grade to the contractor because there is no teeth in the contract to enforce.

We need a common sense road safety goal that includes accident prevention for you and I and others that share the road system.

Give your head a shake ICBC and the highways operations and the contractors that reap the profits of not applying sand before the accidents occur.


R. Johnsons
