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LETTER: Why is it good to grow?

All over the world, sensitive, intelligent people are writing and talking about the end of the faith in endless growth and progress.

I shake my head every time I learn more of Nelson’s proponents of growth. Our  mayor seemed too pleased by the news our city passed the 10,000 population milestone. Why is it good to grow?

All over the world, sensitive, intelligent — dare I say wise and enlightened — people are writing and talking about the end of the faith in endless growth and progress.

To find that Nelson is still in the grip of this mania, that its leaders in business, in co-ops, and politics, still promote more housing development, is a shock.

Nelson is supposedly cutting-edge in the new consciousness. The evidence of our development pattern says we are Neanderthals in that department.

Nothing gets better now by adding people to land. Canada, so blessed with land and a small population, is throwing that blessing away in the rush to exploit our “commodities and resources.” Nelson has nothing to offer as an alternative.

Anyone wishing a quick essay on capitalism and its dark denouement should look for Charles Eisenstein’s 2008 piece, Money and the Crisis of Civilization.

Wake up, Nelson. What we love most about living here is being sold away from us, under the pretense of progress.


Charles Jeanes
