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Planning opponents fear mongering

There’s been anonymous posters going up all over Blewett

Re: Jim Demers’ letter “Area E planning a bad idea” (Star, November 9, 2012)

Mr. Demers says “the implementation of the OCP  ... will see sweeping changes in Blewett, Harrop, Procter, Balfour area...”

Duh, sweeping changes? Like how? Please explain what sweeping changes may come? As the Regional District of Central Kootenay in their information has put forth so very clearly: “An OCP is a statement of how the community exists at this time and how it wants to grow in the future.”

There’s been anonymous posters going up all over Blewett, with titles, “Keep Blewett Free,” with totally silly remarks like, “our freedom will be gone” and “save Area E from RDCK’s bureaucratic vision and their future for us.” Totally overboard and blatant and ludicrous fear mongering!

Seems like some Blewett residents are unable to listen and read, when the RDCK has made it abundantly clear, numerous times, that “no zoning is proposed and that zoning can ONLY be implemented by residents’ petitioning for it to happen.”

Mr. Demers also wonders why this was initiated. A survey was sent out to each household and a majority of those who responded supported the idea of an OCP.

It’s time for some calm and informative listening and respectful dialogue, rather than some loud vocal group, getting so upset with a positive RDCK initiative. By the way, Blewett (and all of Area E) is the only area in the West Kootenay, that doesn’t have an Official Community Plan.

John Vanden Heuvel
