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Solutions for Canada’s future

Canada needs to choose its destiny rather than be buffeted by the every-changing winds of politics, economics and religion.

Canada needs a new approach in dealing with international relations. Today war, economics and flawed foreign aid policies form the basis of relations with our fellow man on planet earth. It is quite obvious that things are not getting better for all our efforts.

We need a new approach. We need a new idea. Canada needs to choose its destiny rather than be buffeted by the every-changing winds of politics, economics and religion.

Cancel our membership to NATO.

Eliminate all foreign aid programs.

Cancel the F-35.

Halt the War on Drugs.

Stop the War on Terror.

Then take all that money and all that Canadian talent and focus it in a new direction. Canada will spearhead a new direction for water management on this planet. The oceans cry out for someone to speak for them and fresh water in many parts of the world is in peril.

Canada, from sea to sea to sea.

Canada, from the Atlantic to the Arctic to the Pacific.

Canada, bounded by sea water.

Canada, blessed with fresh water.

Canada, a nation of immigrants whose turn it is to give back to this grand land by protecting its water and the water of planet earth. The oceans are dying and the fresh water of our planet becomes more sullied as each day goes by.

It is time for Canada to become a nation of heroes. Canada, teacher, educator in the ways of water. Let us focus our talents on a problem, a target worthy of our efforts.

Let the words water and Canada become synonymous on the world stage, presented by Justin Trudeau, a blank piece of paper or so they say. Let us make water Canada’s foreign policy. Let us teach the world how to think rather than what to think.

Thirty years ago the Trudeau International Fresh Water Institute was proposed for the old Notre Dame, then David Thompson, University site. Justin, you are connected to the Kootenays and to water and even though many forget, I know you know, Kokanee Creek is “eau de Trudeau”.

Let us make water Canada’s foreign policy.

Everything is first an idea.

Dick Murphy
