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The politics of Michelle Mungall

The Nelson Star should read Ms. Mungall’s column before publishing it.

Re: MLA column of January 11, 2013.

The Nelson Star should read Ms. Mungall’s column before publishing it. This most recent piece is purely an ad campaign “civil” or otherwise. Not one paragraph was devoted to her work on our behalf. Her contribution to the editorial page merely attempted to lift her party and disparaged the liberals.

Another issue I have with Michelle Mungall’s column is her use of the word “local” when describing her chocolate purchases. As a free enterprise minded type, I fully support “local” business ventures (including chocolate making) and buy locally when the value is present. Ms. Mungall however, uses this “local” term in order to elicit politically correct support from Nelsonites. The cocoa, sugar, etc. used in chocolate production is imported and has no measurable enviromental or economic benefit locally.

Paul Van Caeseele
