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The problem is dog owners, not the dogs

The wife and I headed out to Kokanee Provincial Park for a leisurely stroll in the sun down by the water. Alas this is not what happened!

The wife and I headed out to Kokanee Provincial Park on a sunny Friday earlier this month to have a leisurely stroll in the sun down by the water. Alas this is not what happened!

Instead we were surround by a pack of dogs and their illiterate owners. No, I am not name calling, for they must have been illiterate because there were dozens of signs saying no alcohol and no dogs. I realize dogs can not read, but I was certain their owners could.

So those illiterate owners and their dogs had a grand time while my wife and I had to leave due to the noise, slobbering and feces.

I would suggest the RCMP go out there on a sunny day and start ticketing the owners.

Oh, and the City of Nelson should ticket the dog owners in Lakeside Park. They have their own dog walk, yet the owners ignore the signs and walk their dogs in the park unleashed, again against all posted signs.

Oh and don’t ask for my support to have your dogs anywhere, when you violate all the rules.

Gary Garic, Nelson