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LETTER: Truth elusive in de Groot shooting

From reader Rod Retzlaff

Re: “Inquest planned in death of Peter de Groot,” Oct. 24

Congratulations to the de Groot family on their success in attaining an inquest into the death of Peter de Groot. It was clear even at the time of this “manhunt” that the RCMP were overestimating the threat to the community caused by their confrontation with Peter de Groot.

Shutting down access to the village of Slocan was way over the top. Allegedly Peter de Groot shot at police, but I never saw any evidence in the public realm that that charge was anything more than an allegation. From the start the RCMP seemed to be intent on hunting him down.

The IIO took forever to conclude that the officers did not use excessive force, a conclusion they came to without any evidence from the officer who did the shooting, because he refused to co-operate. It is hard to see how they could decide such a thing without all the evidence.

One thing about it, Peter definitely chose the right sister. We should all be so lucky to have a sister like that. It is so sad that the RCMP didn’t allow her to talk her brother down.

Hopefully we will now hear the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, about this senseless death.

Rod Retzlaff
