Summer guests are here and as Kootenay ambassadors we are tasked with entertaining and providing them with things to do. Thankfully there is always plenty on the go.
On those rainy or blistering hot days when you’re searching for a dry or shady spot remember the cool, dry and quiet atmosphere of our local museums. The Nelson Sports Museum is particularly great for the sport enthusiast. For the once-upon-a-time local who has returned for a reunion, wedding or some other event it is even more heartwarming as they reminisce about the days and friends playing a favourite pastime in their beloved Nelson.
Housed in the Civic Arena and the Nelson and District Community Complex, the museum is open Fridays and Saturdays 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and other days by appointment through the Sports Council 250-352-3989. Additional exhibits have been added this spring to make return visits even more worthwhile. Admission is free with donations gratefully accepted. Enter from the NDCC parking lot.
Rhythmic Gymnastics is running drop in classes at Lakeside park on Wednesday’s 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. $5 per session; July 10, 17, 31/August 14, 21. It is such a fun way to spend an afternoon learning to dance with ribbons, hoops, balls scarves and more in a fun and creative class for girls six and up! Rhythmic Dimensions can be reached at 250-505-1812 or
Adult slo-pitch is still running in the evenings with a 16-team league and plenty of action. You can check them out any evening at the Lakeside ball diamonds and on the web at Contact RJ Warren for more information at or 250-352-7247
The NDCC has plenty of summer programs for children and youth worth checking out on their leisure guide website Activities range from water sports to crafts. Always a hit are the Gyro park pool and Lakeside beach activities.
For the big kid in us all, the local river Whitewater rafting 250-352-7611 provides an exciting time not to be missed and for a quieter experience summer paddling programs for kids, families and adults are available through Nelson Kayak and Canoe club situated at Lakeside.
Whatever and however you choose to play, make sure to have a safe and fun summer reconnecting with family and friends. There’s no better place in which to do it than the Kootenays.