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Singing secretary at B.C. elementary school goes viral

Singing secretary at B.C. elementary school goes viral

Maple Ridge school secretary gives her best rendition of Eta James’ At Last over the loud speaker
Cineplex to deliver popcorn and movie snacks, but only in Vancouver

Cineplex to deliver popcorn and movie snacks, but only in Vancouver

Popcorn, hot dogs, nachos and pop now delivered through Uber Eats
Sarah McLachlan hosts contest to win recording time in her home studio

Sarah McLachlan hosts contest to win recording time in her home studio

Funds raised through contest to go to the Sarah McLachlan School of Music
VIDEO: Breaches, belly-flops and a close encounter with humpback whales

VIDEO: Breaches, belly-flops and a close encounter with humpback whales

A wildlife tour of a lifetime for some visitors to Vancouver Island
VIDEO: Canadian toddler caught practising hockey skills in crib

VIDEO: Canadian toddler caught practising hockey skills in crib

Eli Graveline is getting praise from far and wide as the internet freaks out of cute throwback video
PHOTOS: Police rescue baby seal found on rocky B.C. shoreline

PHOTOS: Police rescue baby seal found on rocky B.C. shoreline

Marina Mammal Rescue Centre recommends residents observe from a distance
Happy ending for orphaned bear cubs

Happy ending for orphaned bear cubs

Two orphaned bear cubs were captured in Castlegar and sent for rehabilitation.
VIDEO: Luxury Home and Design Show opens with Italian flare

VIDEO: Luxury Home and Design Show opens with Italian flare

Event set to run Friday to Sunday at BC Place in Vancouver
VIDEO: First day of summer celebrated with solstice celebration

VIDEO: First day of summer celebrated with solstice celebration

June 21 marks the first day of summer
Reports of explosion in Okanagan turn out to be squirrel vs. power line

Reports of explosion in Okanagan turn out to be squirrel vs. power line

The noise was described as ‘similar to a shotgun blast’ that shook the Earth