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St. Joseph's visits the Little Town of Incarnation

Local elementary school had their Christmas pageant this week.
St. Joseph music teacher Lisa Ramsay lead the kindergarteners in a spirited performance during a rehearsal for A Loaned Manger

St. Joseph Elementary School music teacher Lisa Ramsay lead the kindergarteners in a spirited performance during a rehearsal for A Loaned Manger, their Christmas pageant, on Wednesday morning.

The effusive youngsters performed for their parents and friends, using the narrative to remind everyone of the importance of Jesus' birth.

The Grade 4/5 class showed off their dance moves.

Ayla Sully, Jadyn Stallings, Albie Drysdale and Bridget Anderson performed a scene with an old-fashioned camera.

Ayla Sully and Sophie Packham played their parts with gusto.


Ferris Grant (middle) played a galloping horse in the show.

Above photos by Will Johnson. Remaining images by Lisa Seyfried.

Carmen Lewandowski

Grade 1 Angels