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Find a balance with the beeps

Re: “Driven to the edge by beeps,” January 19

Re: “Driven to the edge by beeps,” January 19

I appreciate our extensive snow clearing services by our hard working city employees, but I also question the timing when using machinery with “back up” alarms in the middle of the night.

One could compare the volume of this noise to a car continually honking its horn at 15 second intervals for an extended period of time.

If this were to occur, I know that the city police would investigate the situation and enforce our much appreciated noise bylaw.

I can understand the importance of a snowplow working through the night (or early morning). This noise, although disturbing, is only for a very short duration as it passes by and is soon gone. Anyone who has been deprived of sleep knows how difficult it is to function in a normal capacity the following work day.

I would appreciate further input from the City of Nelson public works supervisory staff, city councillors and any other taxpaying residents who are affected by this disturbing noise issue.

I know that simply turning off the backup alarm is not an option as this is a strict Worksafe B.C. regulation, but I would hope that the city would consider scheduling this necessary service from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.

In this way we can continue to enjoy the peace and quiet that we all appreciate in our beautiful city (as well as function in a productive manner the following day!).

Thank you for looking into this issue and considering all options.

Thomas Van Alstine
