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HUGS AND SLUGS: Smokey the Bear approves Nelson’s prescribed burning

But slugs to whoever removed my lovelock, how dare you
A firefighter works on a prescribed burn that took place April 2 in Nelson. Photo courtesy Nelson Fire and Rescue

HUGS: Congratulations to the airport people who found a constructive solution to flying in our weather- constricted region, with the shuttle bus for cancelled flights. Smart move.

SLUGS: A big slugfest to whoever removed the 16 ‘lovelocks’ attached to the fence at the viewpoint just before Silverton. These were a lovely addition to the view. A sweet reminder of love. No harm was being done, so the removal was unnecessary and vindictive!

HUGS: To the woman at the bar who asked to touch my furry vest before touching it.

HUGS: Big Smokey the Bear hugs and tickles to the ladies and guys of our Nelson Fire Rescue and the BC Wildfire Service for pulling off the interchange grass burn this season! Looking forward to more of that progressive thinking and follow through!

HUGS: My son is on the autism spectrum and going to the Nelson Public Library twice a week is a very popular and important part of his routine to him. As such sometimes he takes out too many books and it’s difficult to get everything back in a timely manner. But the staff and Lindsay in particular are always understanding and go out of there way to be supportive to our family. It’s very much noticed.

SLUGS: Big dirty slug to the person who decided to key two vehicles that belong to a young family. I hear the police have identified you. You must be really proud of yourself.

HUGS: To the Whitewater lift operators who rearranged the lift queues for April fools. You got me and lots of fellow skiers! A good laugh from a great resort.

HUGS: Huge hugs to the lady from the North Shore who so kindly stopped to ask if there was anything she could do as I was lying on a bench in the mall. I was not feeling well so she drove me to my daughter’s work. Thank you so much.

SLUGS: To the builders and designers responsible for the proliferation of dark charcoal-black cladded new buildings in Nelson. This unfriendly climate choice will require much greater energy use to cool interiors during our ever-hotter summers.

HUGS: Gigantic bear hugs to the educators at Kootenay Kids! Nicola and her team have created an incredibly nurturing environment where our children not only receive exceptional care but also learn invaluable life lessons like patience, kindness, and acceptance. Thank you for your unwavering dedication to shaping the future generation in such a positive way!

Got a hug or slug to send our way? Email