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HUGS AND SLUGS: Those ain’t golf balls

Displeasure with canine owners at the Nelson golf course
A reader sent in slugs to dog walkers making use of Granite Pointe Golf Club’s trash. Photo: Submitted

SLUGS: (Editor’s note: this slug was sent along with the image above.) These dog owners walked their pets on private property and this is their thanks for having such a beautiful piece of property. These folks need to have their dogs taken from them and the city needs to start enforcing dog ownership licensing. Shame on you all!

HUGS: To the kind lady who helped me in Walmart and came back 10 minutes later to check on me.

HUGS: To the gentleman who opened the door for me and carried my pizza to the car.

HUGS: To the two young women who took me by ambulance on a mission of mercy to the Trail hospital during a snow storm on Jan. 17. I am forever grateful.

HUGS: Big hugs for the Nelson children’s consignment store who always put together whimsical and creative window displays. Thank you for saving quality kids’ clothing from the landfill and selling it at a discount to locals!

HUGS: To Cal on Georama Road who plowed my driveway during the recent snowfall while I was away overnight on a business trip, without being asked. I came home the following day super tired, and dreading having to deal with the wet, heavy snow to find my driveway cleared. So grateful for the thoughtfulness!

HUGS: To the woman who cautioned me of broken glass on the roadway on the North Shore. Also hugs for being so kind as to step to the side as I pedalled my way along. Many pedestrians not only are on the wrong side of the road, but don’t care to move from oncoming cyclists. Hugs again, to the Lady with Class who cautioned me about Glass.

SLUGS: To all the inconsiderate, lazy people who take their garbage up Kokanee Glacier Road and dump it over the bank. Namely the slob that dump numerous dog poop bags. Go and clean them up.

HUGS: To the Kootenay Carshare Coop. You’re a great non-profit community service that is helping to create more parking in both the downtown and in residential areas. Instead of one or two people owning their own car, at least 10 people are sharing a car and making more room on our public streets. You’re helping us all to drive less and curb our emissions.

HUGS: To the man on March 13 who was cleaning out all the garbage on High Street below the sidewalk across from the campground. You were there all day. Thank you for having pride in our city.