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LETTER: Response to letter on RDCK curbside collection

From readers Barry and Jenefer Rice
Six Mile Beach on the north shore of Kootenay Lake, located in RDCK Area F. Photo: David Grantham/Kootenay Drone Services

Re: LETTER: Why we should support RDCK curbside collection, April 11

There are several reasons why the RDCK’s curbside collection is an absurd idea.

Firstly, frequent stops by a collection vehicle on a busy highway (North Shore) with a speed limit of 60 km/h, and most traffic travels at 70-plus, is a real safety hazard.

To add to the speed problem, the North Shore Highway 3A has many sharp curves and hidden driveways with poor sight lines. These are the driveways where collection stops would be made. Bad idea.

We compost our food waste and take garbage to the dump every four-to-five weeks and at the same time we drop off our recycle material. Our cost for the year is about $40, so to vote for a system that would cost seven times as much ($280) makes no sense.

We are seniors on a fixed income and with so many other costs going up, a curbside pick-up program is the last thing we would vote for.

Barry and Jenefer Rice

North Shore, Area F