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LETTER: The season of terror

From reader Diana Van Eyk
Nelson, B.C. Photo: Bill Metcalfe

Spring in the Kootenays. Oh, for the warmer days until the terror of summer sets in! We were lucky last year, but how long will that luck last?

Are our communities prepared for wildfire? Does each have an emergency plan and designated shelter where we can breathe clean air, check to see if our loved ones are all right, sleep and get some food?

It’s the bare minimum we need. Maybe schools or community halls could be used.

With each of these, I’d like to see a green project: a community garden, a greenhouse with solar panels and a good battery, a tool lending library, a free store — the possibilities are endless. They wouldn’t just bring down emissions, they’d also help community members.

We need to get serious about climate impacts, and do our best to bring back summers without fear of forest fires or other climate-related disasters.

Diana Van Eyk
