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Terry Fox’s legacy turns 35

"The theme of the run was 'Terry's Favourite Things' so many students and staff wore green because that was his favorite colour..."
'The theme of the run was 'Terry's Favourite Things

L.V. Rogers Secondary raised $1,600 for cancer research Friday through the Terry Fox Run, marking the 35th anniversary of the Marathon of Hope. The theme of the run was "Terry's Favourite Things,” so many students and staff wore green because that was his favorite colour and sports jerseys because he loved sports, especially soccer, basketball, and rugby. The first girls to finish the run were Allie Zondervan and Maddie Sternloff and the first boys were Micah May and Dunavan Morris-Janzen. At bottom, teacher Robyn Sheppard decked out in a helmet and green cape. Photo credits: Ryan Cavicchi, Tiana Baines and Yeseo Park.