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One hungry kid in Nelson is too many

One hungry kid in Nelson is too many

British Columbia’s record for dealing with child poverty is terrible.
Inquest hears of Sweatman’s final moments

Inquest hears of Sweatman’s final moments

The last person to communicate with Sheilah Sweatman before she drowned testified before a Nelson coroner’s jury Thursday.
Whitewater gears up for Round 2 of Ski Town Throwdown

Whitewater gears up for Round 2 of Ski Town Throwdown

Nelson and Rossland battles Whitefish next week in Powder Magazine competition
Coroner’s jury views Sweatman video

Coroner’s jury views Sweatman video

Two videos showing Nelson Search and Rescue volunteer Sheilah Sweatman’s final moments were played for a coroner’s jury Tuesday.
Sweatman’s death unforeseeable, search manager says

Sweatman’s death unforeseeable, search manager says

A Nelson Search and Rescue volunteer says while members might have been able to reach Sheilah Sweatman, they couldn’t rescue her.
Onagawa funds raised by Nelson area not spent

Onagawa funds raised by Nelson area not spent

Volunteers involved with fundraising for the devastated town of Onagawa, Japan, are fending off criticism around use of the money.
Cupboards are bare at Nelson food bank

Cupboards are bare at Nelson food bank

The Salvation Army food bank had to close its doors this week because it didn't have enough non-perishables to give out.
Sweatman inquest hears from police diver

Sweatman inquest hears from police diver

An RCMP diver told a coroner’s inquest today why his team wasn't called to the Goat River prior to Sheilah Sweatman’s death.
EcoSociety slams new municipality in Jumbo

EcoSociety slams new municipality in Jumbo

West Kootenay EcoSociety executive director David Reid calls the move bad for democracy, never mind the devastating environmental impact.
Busy weekend for Nelson Police Department

Busy weekend for Nelson Police Department

The Nelson Police Department reports having been “heavily taxed” with over 60 calls for service over the weekend.