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The beeps and a baby’s health

This is a letter in regards to the greatly controversial topic of the late night/early morning snow removal.

Reasoner backs up statement

Beeps a flawed safety method

Oh gads! If I hear another peep of a beep....

Time to make bigger change

In the last few years the affordable housing discussion has become a permanent part of Nelson’s political landscape. It’s been discussed at City Hall, by our representatives in Victoria and even trickled its way to the federal realm.
Oil, CO2 and Undershirts

Oil, CO2 and Undershirts

There is an extraordinary disconnect between what the experts write about oil prices, and what is likely to happen out in the real world.

Pet obituary was in the perfect spot

I write in response to the letter by S.M. Simpson about the pet obituary. I take great offense to the statement that an obituary of a loved family member such as a pet has no place on the obit page. Losing a loved one is always traumatic, whether it be a human or a pet.

Greens on Nelson Landing

Open letter to Nelson city council regarding the Nelson Landing re-zoning and development proposal:

Smart meters don’t provide answer

Choice is at the heart of free will and health is at the heart of life, but neither may count for much with the coming of “smart meters,” the wireless devices that use electromagnetic frequency (EMF) to monitor our electrical consumption.

No right to judge others’ grief process

Re: “Pet obituary offensive,” February 2

The great budget juggling act

I find budgets fascinating because they are the expression of everything we can and can’t do in our city, and the process is full of what we should have done and would love to do. I’ve marveled at historical serendipities and visionary actions; I’ve churned over recent and ancient bad decisions as well as downloads from other governments.